Author: Jemima Awobowale

  • Erasmus Exchange Program Struggles in Lublin, Poland

    Erasmus Exchange Program Struggles in Lublin, Poland

    This is a story about my struggles during my Erasmus exchange program in Lublin, Poland—a journey that led to the miracle of achieving a  very good standing as an exchange student. As you may remember, I was an Erasmus student. When I arrived, I quickly realized that the challenges ahead were far greater than I…

  • Living Like Royalty: My Miracle of Free Housing in Istanbul

    Living Like Royalty: My Miracle of Free Housing in Istanbul

    This is a testament on how I found a place to live for three solid months without paying any bills, all while receiving the royal treatment during my stay. You might remember that I spent some time in Ankara with Ariel, and then my hostel called me to inform me that I needed to pay…

  • A Leap of Faith : From Doubt to Poland in Just 19 Days

    A Leap of Faith : From Doubt to Poland in Just 19 Days

    This is a testament  on  how I secured my visa for an exchange program in Poland! You might remember that I mentioned my trip to Poland, but there’s so much more to it! After gathering all the necessary documents, I reached out to someone I consider an elder brother, Mr. Aaron (God bless him). I…

  • A Special Roommate for a Special Season

    A Special Roommate for a Special Season

    My days in Karaman were a mix of experiences, and I won’t sugarcoat it. This was all before COVID19 struck, so I had about three months of relative normalcy before everything changed. When it did(ie COVID 19) hit, the streets of Karaman became eerily empty and silent. Oh, before I dive deeper, let me introduce my roommate, Ariel.…

  • Let the Surprises Begin!

    Let the Surprises Begin!

    After arriving in Karaman, Turkiye, I had no idea about the 30-day rule for applying for a residence permit. One day, my roommate Ariel checked in on me and asked if I had submitted my application. I replied, “What’s that?”—a bit clueless, to say the least! Thankfully, she stepped in and helped me with the…

  • Behind the Scenes

    Behind the Scenes

    Here is an incredible backstory of events that had unfolded behind the scenes—truly a testament to being Abbas Benefit Girl! Upon arriving in Turkiye, I quickly noticed that everyone seemed to know each other. I was often asked which center I took my entrance exam at, and I found myself puzzled. “Exam? The last exam…

  • Where were we? : A new Path

    Where were we? : A new Path

    I was a second-year student at UNILAG, studying Botany, and honestly, I was tired of the routine. It’s a long backstory, but let’s save that for another day. You might wonder how I could feel stuck in a routine while pursuing a degree, but I knew there had to be something better out there. I…

  • It all Started with a Change in Identity

    It all Started with a Change in Identity

    I am Jemima, a Christian who loves stories. However, some or most people know me as Mide. Before I dive into my journey of becoming a “benefit girl,” let me share a small backstory about how Mide transformed into Jemima and how everything changed! To rephrase, let me explain how God changed my name, and in doing…